School Excursions
We love schools visiting us at Wagga Wagga Art Gallery. We have over 30 new exhibitions every year. School groups participating in tours is a great way for students to expand skills in teamwork and communication, share points of view, and understand the creative processes in visual arts practices. We'll even help your teachers plan visits to meet a specific theme or curriculum outcome, or your group can self-guide.
Email us to book your tour.
Venue and Safety Information for School Excursions to the Gallery 44.9 KB Download
Planning a visit in 2025?
Here is our highlight exhibitions to see for schools:
- Remapping Erased Landscapes: Mei Zhao | 15 February - 25 May 2025
Exploring: Visual Arts, History, Environment
- Radial Sign: Lisa Sammut | 15 February - 27 April 2025
Exploring: Visual arts, Science
- Fantastic Forms I 15 February - 27 April 2025
Exploring: Visual arts, History
- Nuanced :75 Years years Wagga Wagga Art Society | 4 February - 27 April 2025
Exploring: Visual arts, History
- Bleak House - Dark Visions I 10 March - 25 May 2025
Exploring: Visual arts, English, History
- Hot + Cold, Cut + Polish: Exploring Art Glass Techniques | February 2024 - April 2025
Exploring: Visual arts, History
Education Kits
The Wynne Prize 2023
Emma Varga: Fire - Water - Life
Home Program - First Nations Outreach Program
The Home program is a partnership between Wiradjuri community at Wagga Wagga, The Arts Unit, NSW Department of Education, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery and the Art Gallery of NSW, and connects schools to local Aboriginal artists, community, language and culture.
The program was first developed in 2015 when education outreach program was developed based on the major education resource Home: Aboriginal art from New South Wales, published by the Gallery in 2013.
The program was delivered to 7 schools in Wiradjuri country and featured professional learning for teachers, regional gallery staff and local artists, the delivery of a bespoke visual arts program for Stage 3 students over three school terms, virtual excursions to the Art Gallery of New South Wales and a student exhibition of the resulting artwork at Wagga Wagga Art Gallery.
Since then, the Home program has grown to reach 35 schools in 2022 in Wiradjuri, Kamilaroi/Gomeroi and Gathang (Worimi and Biripi) Country and is currently delivered at Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Tamworth Regional Gallery and Manning Regional Gallery. 192 schools have participated in total throughout the program.
The upcoming exhibition for the latest Home project gindaymilanha: laugh whilst walking along will be exhibited at the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery from Saturday 5 November 2022 - Sunday 29 January 2023.
Connelly-Northey creates her sculptures from materials she finds in her environment. Explore your own environment and find materials that could be used in weaving, tying and knotting to create a three-dimensional object. Find plastic bags, string, wire and so on and experiment to create a new version of a familiar object. Discuss the ways in which this familiar object has been made new and different. Think about texture, colour and scale.
Looking and responding
Look at the series of works called Narrbong (string bag) 2007–08 by Lorraine Connelly-Northey. Think about the title. Are these bags made from string? List words to describe the materials you can see, their colours and how they would feel to touch. Could these words be used to describe the Australian landscape? What kinds of places do you think the artist obtained these materials from? Name the kinds of things you would carry in such a bag.
All information shared from Art Gallery NSW: site)