Leica/CCP Documentary Photography Award

Main Gallery: 7 November - 14 December 2008

Leica/CCP Documentary Photography Award on display in the Main Gallery, 2008

The Sixth Leica/CCP Documentary Photography Award showcases the very best in today's documentary photography. Organised by the Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, and touring throughout Australia, this biennial show is now in its tenth year. Selected from a national call of over 260 entries, the sixteen finalists range from established and internationally renowned photographers to emerging finalists. Their works include a selection of both analogue and digital works, black and white and colour prints from across the country.

The photographs in this exhibition are contemporary encounters of real and everyday situations that investigate an array of issues, ranging from hard-hitting war photography, to an exploration of the 'schoolies week' tradition and quiet observations on the streets of Beijing. This variety of subject matter and practice enables all viewers to take something unique away from this year's exhibition. It encourages reflection, critical inquiry and identification.

The competition winner Stephen Dupont (NSW) received a Leica M8 digital camera and 28mm lens valued at over $13,000 for his series, "Axe Me Biggie" or Take My Picture. Laki Sideris was also awarded an honourable mention for his series Beijing Bicycle. Fellow finalists include: Michael Amendolia, James Brickwood, Cara Bowerman, Anthony Dawton, Stephen Dupont, Sean Hobbs, Jesse Marlow, Natalie McComas, Matthew Newton, Steven Siewert, Doug Spowart and Victoria Cooper, Emma Thompson, Tamara Voninski, Tom Williams and Lisa Wiltse.

This exhibition showcases sixteen of Australia's best contemporary documentary photographers. The photographs are contemporary encounters of real and everyday situations that investigate an array of issues, ranging from hard-hitting war photography, and an exploration of the Schoolies tradition, to quiet observations on the street of Beijing.

Toured by the Centre for Contemporary Photography 


 Leica - Steven Siewert
Steven Siewert, Pigeon Loft, 2005/6, type C print



Leica       CCP       Arts Victoria        Visual Arts & Crafts Strategy Victoria     Australia Council of the Arts/Australian Governmen


Education Kit 

Centre For Contemporary Photography web site: www.ccp.org.au


When:     Friday 7 November 2008, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Where:   Main Gallery
Cost:       Free