Operation Art

E3 art space: 21 June - 3 July 2011

 Image Operation Art 2011

Operation Art is an initiative of the Department of Education and Communities and the Children's Hospital at Westmead in collaboration with Sydney Olympic Park. The regional tour is made possible with the generous support of the Nelson Meers Foundation.

This program encourages primary and high school students (from Kindergarten to Year 10) in schools across New South Wales to create artworks for children in hospital. It is an important state-wide visual arts exhibition that focuses on creating a positive environment to aid the healing and recovery process of young patients.

In conjunction with the exhibition, workshops for students and teachers are held in the E3 art space and the Artist in Residence. Visitors are welcome to view the exhibition through the windows of the E3 art space.


When:     Monday 20 June 2011, 4:00 - 5:00pm
Where:    E3 art space, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery


When:     Tuesday 21 June - Thursday 23 June 2011
Where:   E3 art space and Artist in Residence space, Wagga Wagga Art Gallery

Please direct all enquiries to The Arts Unit of the Department of Education.

    Operation Art              Operation Art - Nelson Meers