Staying with the Trouble
Dec 9, 2023 to Mar 10, 2024

Image: Kim Mahood, Murdoch Cliffs, Tanami Salt Lake Country, pastel and ink on paper, 150cm x 200cm, 2023
Staying with the Trouble is an exhibition featuring large scale experimental drawings resulting from a year of discussions and critiques between four established artists, Linda Dening, Kim Mahood, Sally Simpson, and Wendy Teakel.
The artists reference the ideas of author Donna Haraway, whose book ‘Staying with the trouble’ asks us to stay with-in, live with-in and be with-in this planet; to take responsibility and action regarding the current crisis of life in our damaged world.
"Initially, the common theme of Staying with the Trouble centred around living on the land and concern for landscape and its conservation, constantly re-considering our positions in the land we love and care for. As the project evolved we understood that our drawing practices were a mirror of that process, of constantly re-considering and problem solving. As artists we all encountered the problems of pushing a work too far, losing it, staying with it, abandoning it and recovering it. Drawing is its own form of Staying with the Trouble"